Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Weekend Links

Classic photographs by classic photographers in LEGO. I would have never dreamed of a homage to Henri Cartier-Bresson.

The Principles of Good Design I think effectively summarizes the commandments to live by if you’re:

  1. A good marketing agency
  2. You own a little black cocktail dress
  3. You own a skinny black tie
Life, is this what it’s coming to?

The official Transit City plan was released about a month ago. I can’t wait for this to come through. Transit aficionados will remember this TTC dream map which apparently would cost $44B if actually constructed.

Urban design and infrastructure planning are some of my dorkier interests. Deep down I’d much rather watch an engineering documentary on the Discovery Channel than Sportscenter or MuchMusic. I stumbled upon this great traffic simulation which can help visualize why we spend so much time idling and not nearly enough time driving on highways. Fascinating stuff.

It really would be nice to see this sort of
contemporary suburban development around campus instead of the uninspired, derivative townhouses that are being built. Challenge yourself York University!

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