Sunday, December 21, 2008

The weekend links

Olga, these links are dedicated to you. I know that it's difficult to leave (and leave a lot behind), but you're going to have a terrific time away on exchange. I can't wait until you're back and hear about the big plans you have for B!G for next year.

Also to the team, you've put in a really concerted effort this semseter on all our client projects. This effort has not gone unrecognized and we really can see some star performers among you. I love to be surrounded by individuals with the same passion for excellence as me and who are committed to delivering quality work to our clients. I really am looking forward to next semester when we can grow our skills and really strut our stuff.

Anyway, on with the links:

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure really is a gnarly movie with tubular values. Additionally, it's got George Carlin as Rufus in a really unnecessary cameo role. It's pretty fun but it kinda goes off the rails for me after the scene where Bill and Ted transport themselves to the future where the magical time travelling phonebooth first came from. They convene with the council of elders in this pivotal scene of cinematic history. It's also best not to think about the fact that the space-time continuum is horribly corrupted or that in the future, Bill and Ted's music will "align the planets, bring peace to all nations, and form the foundation of a new civilization. Truly bizarre, but most excellent...

Inappropriate Christmas toys. It's not too late to get me those Pee and Poo stuffed animals I wanted to help me learn proper bathroom etiquette.

Gorgeous digital mech art for cyberpunks.

2008's most underrated websites. But why do websites have to be rated anyway? Why can't websites just be meaningful to those who visit them?

I really want this technology in my hands right now. It's amazing to dream and this kind of functionality doesn't seem too far off, does it? See what handheld computing will mean in a decade.

In yesterday's post I wrote about the emergence of social media marketing and how best practices still really haven't been well established in this channel. There are some big hurdles to social marketing in a web 2.0 world, explains the WSJ.

Nice. Check out hypnocake. How good does this look? All hail the great hypnocake!!! (Jeff, I know you'll get this reference...). Another recipe is here.

I'm really into indie music right now, here are a few good songs I wanted to share:

Rain, by Bishop Allen.

Evident Utensil, by Chairlift, as performed by two girls - this is actually a pretty good fan video!

Xs and Os, by The Loves

Bullets, by Tunng

Your Heart is Rising, by Electric Six - I'm seriously into this song. Great bassline and sexy lyrics.

And finally, this fantastic video about technological development and globalization is required viewing for all B!G Associates. It really puts things in perspective. The biggest standout for me was the claim that by 2049, a $1000 computer will have more computing capacity than the entire human population combined. Yikes. I get the sense that this is the kind of education Schulich means to give us but can't quite grasp.

Did You Know? from Amybeth on Vimeo.

Have a great holidays, everyone.

1 comment:

Jeffrey Li said...

hypnocake is the best kind of cake, next to toad cake max, hahah