Friday, July 4, 2008

Effective paid search advertising campaign

Every now and then you come across an ad campaign that is really mind-blowing.

...well, maybe just mind-blowing for marketing geeks like me!

For normal people, these campaigns just make you sit back and say “whoa, that’s really cool”.

Converse sneakers are launching a series of online videos, as profiled in Ad Age’s Creativity email series. There are a series of videos, but the most intriguing for me is the Converse Spelling Bee.

It’s something I’ve really never seen before and a campaign that made me reconsider Converse as a brand. My reaction is likely exactly what the CDs had looked for!

Follow these instructions for maximum excitement:

  1. Go to Google.
  2. In your browser’s address bar, type in
  3. Follow the instructions the shoelace tells you. When it says to type in the word, click ‘Back’ in your browser to return to Google.
Look real close in the Google search results. You’re looking for the next link in the paid search sections.

1 comment:

David Yi Wong said...

Haha, I won the converse spelling bee contest. That last word took me a while. I got to say that I did find it very intriguing, but was it supposed to be a promotional ad? What was the actual "marketing" purpose of the video/game?